Imagine the soft glow of flames dancing against the night sky, the sound of wood crackling, and the warmth that beckons you closer.

Picture yourself cozied up with loved ones, sharing stories and laughter around a flickering fire.

Welcome to the world of outdoor fire features, where ambiance and functionality converge to create magical moments.

Why an Outdoor Fire Feature?

There's something primal and captivating about fire. It draws us in, promoting camaraderie and relaxation.

And when this element is introduced to our outdoor spaces, it not only provides warmth but also transforms ordinary backyards into enchanting retreats.

At Currin Outdoor, we understand that every client's dream is unique.

Our mission? To craft an outdoor space that harmonizes your desires with the practical realities of your yard.

Fireplace or Fire Pit: Which One Calls to You?

The first decision in this fiery journey is choosing between a fireplace and a fire pit. Here’s what you should consider:


  • More of a decorative staple.
  • Provides seating for a few, creating an intimate setting.
  • Demands less patio real estate, offering more layout flexibility.
  • Best suited under structures, like pergolas.

Fire Pit

  • Promotes gatherings; ideal for larger groups.
  • Offers a traditional setting – think feet up, s’mores in hand.
  • Requires more space.

And, of course, there's budget.

Starting prices for fire pits hover around $6,000, while fireplaces begin at a heftier $25,000.

However, your choice might not solely rest on price but also on how it complements your existing backyard design and purpose.

Fueling the Flame: Wood vs. Gas

Once you’ve chosen your centerpiece, the next step is to decide on the fuel type.


The epitome of tradition. Wood involves sourcing, storing, and tending. But it offers an authentic experience: the crackle, the aroma, and the ritual.


A nod to convenience. Flip a switch, and you have a fire. No mess, no fuss. With our top-tier burners from Warming Trends, the cold won't deter you. Their units are powerful enough to provide warmth even during chilly North Carolina winters.

Bringing Your Vision to Life

How do we mold your fire feature to fit perfectly into your aesthetic and space?

Size & Shape

From bowls to rectangles, your fire feature should match the scale of your outdoor space and resonate with your style.

Custom vs. Prefab

Companies like Lumacast offer high-end, polished concrete fire pits with designs that might resonate with your vision. However, if you're seeking a unique twist, a custom-built option might be the best way to go.

Colors & Materials

Your fire feature can either stand out or blend seamlessly into its surroundings. Choices include basic black lava rock, rolled lava rock, or even shimmering glass beads.

For those leaning towards gas, covers – fabric or wood – keep the brass nozzles protected and offer an additional design layer, converting the fire pit into a daytime coffee table.

Final Thoughts

Ultimately, every decision pivots on three pillars: programming (the activities you envision), aesthetics (what you want it to look like), and budget.

Once those are clear, the path to your dream backyard becomes evident.

The team at Currin Outdoor believes in more than just providing a product; we want to deliver an experience. So, as you look out to your yard and envision a fire feature taking center stage, remember: your dream can be a reality.

Ready to craft your dream backyard? Speak with a Currin Outdoor landscape designer today and let's turn that vision into a tangible oasis.






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